Monday, March 3, 2008


Today is not bad...although it's a rainy day...But i relly had fun wif BeiNi(although she took my spects~ANGRY SIAzzzz),Johnathan Choo(the VIP)& benedict durin the lunch break...Today is quite a long day lorhs...We were supposed to go home @4.15pm...but it delayed until 4.45pm!!!Bcos of the cheers we nid to say durin the sports meet wif temasek sch,Dunman high*** & river valley high...(frens who know my secret should noe why i put stars on DUNMAN HIGH)Although it was quite of a...tiring,but after all also quite fun lah...n still got帅哥to see...

I haf just pasted Jay Chou's poster above of my com...But he looked quite nerd in that poster...(sori to jay's fans...)But i still tink Ming Dao nicer..:)But i just dun haf his poster..!!!

I am goin to watch 'L change the world'!!!i haf jus watched death quite xcited lorhs...but the trip still not confirmed dun disappoint mie...Wen Long!!!

tat's all for todae liao...C ya!!!!

Oh ya...n i todae dun haf HW!!!so hapi!!!but nid to revise....=.="



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