Monday, February 25, 2008

Trip @ Batam...

it is not the 1st time i been 2 batam,but i was jus very xcited!!!!!the trip could be nicer if not for my讨人厌bro keep irritating mie!!!!! My hotel was @ a wulu place but it is a fine place for relaxing...the beach tere was very clear.

shoppin tere was a horrible xperience...=.="imagine a pair of earrings can cost $5000(rupia of course!!!)but l00k @ the money sia...心痛死了!!!!but change into sin dollars, onli less than $ the tip is try not 2 look at the figures lorhs...

i went to a restaurant called shang ri-la...tink very famous rite????guess wat???tere was no ppl quiet!!! but the food tere not bad leh>>>it's not tat we 包场,relly no ppl d3...
the most satisfying ting tat i did is tat i bought yummy dounuts home!!! dounuts(now opened in raffles city/shopping mall-dun remember liao-,s'pore)

finally when i reached s'pore, at the immigration counter: a weird ang moh stared at mie dunno for wat reason???!!!!!when i wanna stared back into him,i saw his massively built body...i so shocked tat i quickly turned away>>>so sway sia...:\

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