Friday, June 13, 2008


Today,woke up early in the morning for choir.I seemed to used to waking up late.I was damn tired today..ZZZ.Well then had breakfast with my Parents today.It was lyk since a few century i had breakfast(only me,no bro)with parents.Then i met the friendly school worker ther.I said Hi to him~=)

After that i met Bella at the concourse instead..Cos,,,teh canteen looked damn spooky.Errie.Cos im the only person ther.& a few weird looking ppl.Then,saw Kasumi & i accompany them for breakfast.Then Kasumi was lyk :Then our bags?
真巧,thers a bunch of NPCCs ther,Then Bella was lyk toking to the NPCCs:Eh,help us look after our bags ar~ Hahax,Luff my ass out.Gee~

Along the way,met Clara.Then had breakfast together.I bought a strawberry milkshake.I drink whole hand was stained with the milk.Eww..~~~Then,i was saying that i tink i wud attract alot of ants..Then Bella said that why dun invent a drink that wud attract guys~?Gee~

8.30.Choir time~Only Altos come early for extra practice...Okay,today was quite strenuous...The song was very difficult to sing.For My Goodness Sake~~Ms Yin was not very happy.Okay,we were scolded...She cried.Well,i understand her苦衷lah..

After choir,went to Lucky for lunch,thers then my Dad called me to fetch my bro frm his piano lessons.Then i went Simei lor.


Adsons: SO sad that i missed the Class Gathering yesterday.T.T Have Fun,Guys

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