Thursday, March 6, 2008

Today 很家常...

Today jus cant stop raining...But i am in a good mood until chinese lesson!!!-frustrated-

Today got onli three tests...Yesterday i study damn hard for the physics...Oh...i was so confident sia...The questions were damn so was the most satisfying science test out of the Bio(dint study...) & Chem(dint memorise the shortform)...Mayb sec 3,i will choose pure physics...

I had lots of fun during the Eng test...i was talking to Ben & Johnathan + Beini...I got a new name called"草枝摆"(noe the meaning???)Hahax...Then i got a shock when Xu Chao suddenly appeared behind mie and wanted to borrow stapler from mie...吓死了!!!!ADD-ON:Gabriel's writing is relly nice!!!!

THEN the teacher say she had chose mie N beini to do the library project..dunno y everyone cheered!!???NvM...den XuChao yeah aft everyone yeah finished...he's quite 迟钝Rite??-no offence,k?-He'scute at times...especially when he speaks..

Everything was fine until the chinese teacher stepped in the classroom
and ANNOUNCED that there will be xtra lessons durin the holidays!!!!Dunno whether still can watch death note ornot??HUH....

Forgetss abt the XTRA class...During the journey to the main road to take bus home,i saw a cat wandering abt the row of houses(landed!!)...The at so high class one...maybe it hopes tat someone from the houses to pity it and brin it home as a pet...咸鱼变鲍鱼..Hahax...

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